welcome to my blog. Sharing God's goodness with you in a wide and wonderful world.. so glad you are here.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Storms Are Likely

The question is not, will there be storms?
The question is: will I be ready?

 I have been doing lots of digging these last few weeks.Preparing my garden for winter requires that I remove all the bulbs cana, dahlia, gladiola, and cala which I plant so frivolously in the spring.
Each  needs to be removed and stored in the dark in preparation for more growth and blooming the following summer.

                            a few glimpses... the children(in upper photo)were visiting...

                          I always breathe a sigh of relief when this arduous task is done.

         Storms and seasons come and go . As I 'hide' these bulbs away in my cellar to retrieve in due season , my heart holds on to the promise of things to come, and I know that I can weather many storms if I am  prepared and  have hid His word in my heart.
                   Thy Word have I hid in my heart.... Psalm 119:11

     We can never be lilies in the garden, unless we have
                  spent time as bulbs in the dark.   (unknown)

 almost forgot this..104.shelter from the storm,105.sewing Sommer's 'Dorthy dress' 106.strength for each new day,107.anticipation 108.faith 109.apple-blueberry cobbler,cinnamon spice tea,110.music that stirs my soul,111.phone call from a friend,112. a new workout to try113.again-Divine protection,114.the rejuvenation of a shower,115.hope eternal...

Prayers to everyone affected by hurricane Sandy.


1 comment:

  1. A lot of work involved, but so worth it Lucy!
    Love the photos of your home and family helping with the garden.
    And its so true, hiding His Word gives us strength and brings hope and faith in the different seasons of our lives.
    Hope you are having a lovely week!

    Deborah xo


thank you and blessings for words from your heart...